What does a CBA Section do?
CBA national Sections serve as a platform for sharing ideas and getting involved in professional issues that matter. They offer:
- Continuing legal education through professional development programs and conferences
- Opportunities to influence policy and get involved in national legislation and law reform initiatives
- Focused legal news, resources and communications on matters in your areas of practice or interest
- Networking with peers, practice leaders, government and the judiciary
- Essay contests to help law students and others build their profile
- Opportunities to get involved in national and international initiatives related to government, Federal Court and Court of Appeal, Tax Court of Canada and more
Areas of Practice
- Aboriginal Law
- Administrative Law
- Air and Space Law
- Business Law
- CBA In-House Lawyers
- Charities and Not-for-Profit Law
- Child and Youth Law Section
- Civil Litigation
- Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade
- Competition Law and Foreign Investment Review
- Constitutional and Human Rights
- Construction and Infrastructure Law
- Criminal Justice
- Dispute Resolution
- Elder Law
- Environmental, Energy and Resources Law
- Family Law
- Health Law
- Immigration Law
- Insolvency Law
- Insurance Law
- Intellectual Property
- International Law
- Labour & Employment
- Maritime Law
- Municipal Law
- Pensions and Benefits Law
- Privacy and Access
- Real Property
- Taxation Law
- Wills, Estates and Trusts