New opportunities to get involved!

May 19, 2022

Since our last update, our Section hasn’t stopped moving! In addition to the three pieces of legislation we responded to, Kevin Westell (Secretary) spoke at the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on Bill S-210 (An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material), and he also testified on the review of Bill C-36 (Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act).

Furthermore, in April, Jody Berkes (Past Chair) and Tony Paisana (Chair) appeared in front of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on Bill C-5 (An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act). The Section’s work on Bill C-5 was also featured in the CBA National Magazine in an article called “Tough on crime a failed approach”.

We also started working with the CBA Immigration Law Section on Bill S-7 (An Act to amend the Customs Act and the Preclearance Act, 2016) which addresses search and seizure powers at the border. Furthermore, our Section will be responding to Bill S-4 (An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Identification of Criminals Act and to make related amendments to other Acts (COVID-19 response and other measures)) and we are involved in a multi-section working group on Bill C-233 (An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Judges Act (violence against an intimate partner).

Over the last few weeks, we have put on Coffee in the Times of COVID sessions with the CBA Young Lawyers Section, which have been well-attended and well-received by all.

Get Involved!

If you would like to get more involved in the Section, apply for a vacant position on the 2022-2023 national Executive (deadline May 31, 2022).

We are also looking for volunteers to assist with updating Collateral Consequences of Criminal Convictions, a tool for better understanding the impact of criminal convictions on clients before sentencing takes place. Let us know by May 31, 2022 if you would like to be involved.

Please follow and retweet the Section on Twitter @CBA_CrimJustice to stay updated!

New date! Jordan Update: COVID Impact on the S. 11(b) Right to Trial within a Reasonable Time – May 25, 2022

This program will provide an update on the law on S. 11(b) in the 5 years since Jordan and the many issues which have been resolved in the meantime. Particular focus will be given on s. 11(b) issues that have arisen in the context of COVID-19 related-delays.


Women in Criminal Law – June 22, 2022

Mark June 22 in your calendar for our webinar which will address the inequities experienced by women working in criminal law on both sides of the bar, the high attrition rate of women working in criminal defence, reasons for attrition, and efforts that can be made to retain women in the defence bar, combatting unequal treatment inside and outside of the courtroom, and “how to be an ally” to women in criminal law. This webinar is part of the CBA’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) series. It’s free for CBA members to participate.


New Member Articles

Any member wishing to submit a member article should do so! Please contact Kyla Lee (Communications Officer) for more details. Check out our latest articles below!

CBA Criminal Justice Section Executive Committee