Welcome to 2023-2024!

October 26, 2023

Roisin Hutchinson

Welcome to our Section. I’m honoured to be your Chair for the upcoming year. We are proud to be led by an Executive of five officers – all dedicated business lawyers – including myself, Roisin Hutchinson (Chair), Laura James (Vice-Chair), Ron Kugan (Communications Officer), Jacob Kojfman (Secretary) and Arlene O’Neill (immediate Past-Chair), each for a one-year term.

As a National Section for a broad practice area, it’s important for us to find topics and set objectives that are of interest to all our members. I am thrilled to report that on the heels of our advocacy in 2022-2023, we will be planning a spring webinar to discuss the application and effects of Bill C-42 and the new beneficial ownership registry. We are also working on new events and mentorship opportunities for our members-at-large who are in the early days of their practice. I encourage everyone to share your ideas and get involved in any way that you can.

To provide insight and help educate our colleagues, we continue to monitor and track legislative changes and other myriad issues facing business law practitioners. Our Section provides a great forum for discussion.

Lastly, I want to thank Arlene O’Neill for all her hard work and dedication to the Section as the outgoing Chair.

I look forward to hearing from you and working with you over the coming year.

Advocacy Highlights

Recent Submissions

PD Webinars

Skilled Lawyers Series 2023

Mastering Artificial Intelligence Skills for Canadian Corporate Lawyers: Navigating the Evolving Legal Landscape (October 11 – December 12, 2023)

Join this interactive webinar series to unlock a solid foundation in AI, its legal implications and the skills to manage growing legal opportunities and challenges.

More Upcoming PD

Mark your calendars and register for these upcoming PD events:

Relevant and Recent PD!

On-demand recordings are now available:

Current Practice Trends in Canadian Private M&A (October 2023)

ESG Update: Issues, Risks and Trends (June 2023)

Securities Laws Developments Including the New Self-Regulatory Organization (May 2023)

Get Involved

We invite you to engage with the Section in the following ways:

  • Follow us on LinkedIn and share your ideas!
  • Send us your ideas for new activities or initiatives that you would like to see from the Section.
  • Submit a member article.
  • Join us to contribute to our submissions.


Roisin Hutchinson
Chair, CBA Business Law Section 2023-2024