Resources to make your firm more inclusive
Across Canada, the CBA is leading advocacy and initiatives to:
- Promote reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous peoples
- Improve access to justice
- Advance diversity, equity and inclusion in Canada’s legal profession
The following resources aim to support and guide law firms and legal organizations to advance reconciliation, improve access to justice and be more inclusive within the profession.
Discover our resources in each category below.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The CBA’s Equality initiative aims to promote efforts to achieve equality in the legal profession. This means removing barriers and ending discrimination of all types.
Equality and Diversity Guide
This resource will enhance your organization or firm’s efforts to promote equity and diversity at all levels of the legal profession. It includes guidance on developing implementation plans and tracking your growth over time.Tips to promote inclusion and diversity
The CBA offers a series of videos and a tip sheet for firms and organizations to promote equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. -
Truth and Reconciliation
As part of the CBA’s commitment to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, we offer the following information, tools and resources to help address the difficult legacy of colonialism in Canada.
Our commitment: The CBA is learning to do better
Read about our commitment to reconciliation.Resources: Develop your cross-cultural skill set
Understand, communicate and engage more effectively with Indigenous peoples.Advocacy: Strengthen public policy and advocacy efforts
Learn what the CBA is doing to improve access to justice for Indigenous peoples in Canada.The Path: Your Journey through Indigenous Canada
The CBA developed this accredited series in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action. The six online modules use videos and quizzes to introduce you to the history of Indigenous peoples and demystify some of the legal issues surrounding the Canadian Constitution, the Indian Act, treaties and rulings by the Supreme Court of Canada.Building Indigenous Intercultural Competency Learning Series
This new online series gives you the knowledge and tools needed to understand your own cultural and racial attitudes. It discusses race and culture, stereotypes, cultural bias and being anti-racist. It also undoes the ‘myths of Canada’ and highlights the skills needed to build Indigenous intercultural capacity.Truth and Reconciliation Toolkit for Firms
This toolkit is designed to create a better, more inclusive future. No matter where you are on your reconciliation journey, these resources will help your firm become a better ally, engage with Indigenous advisors, recruit and retain Indigenous talent, and more.Indigenous Peoples in the Criminal Legal System
The Gladue & Beyond toolkit provides information on the over-representation of Indigenous peoples in the justice system. It also explores jury diversity, Gladue and the Indian Act. You’ll find relevant case files and criminal codes, along with Gladue rights and guides. -
Access to Justice
The CBA’s Equal Justice initiative is actively working for an inclusive justice system – one that is equally accessible to all, regardless of means, capacity or social situation. It offers a comprehensive plan to bring members of the justice community together for change so people can access the legal help they need in Canada.
Reaching Equal Justice: Report
This report sets out targets and a strategy for improving access to justice by 2030. Achieving these goals relies on participation from people and organizations across the justice sector.Reaching Equal Justice: Advocacy Guide
This guide is designed to empower you to advocate for greater access to justice. It includes links to tools you can use to promote change.Promoting Preventive Legal Health: A Toolkit for Lawyers
This toolkit aims to help you promote legal health with your clients and help them prevent legal problems from starting or escalating.CBA Legal Health Checks
These tools are designed to help people recognize legal problems early and take action. They offer tips on how to get legal help and how to work well with a lawyer. They are great resources for lawyers to share with clients.