Well-Being programs and resources

Our programs and resources on mental health and well-being give insights and offer support for the very real issues facing our profession. Find helpful courses, videos, articles and more.


Dear Advy
Advy is the CBA’s advice columnist. Members of the legal community can submit questions anonymously on anything and everything relating to well-being, dealing with stress and succeeding under pressure. Advy responds with advice and useful resources.


The Well-Being Hour
This series of free on-demand video conversations focuses on the well-being of lawyers and legal professionals in Canada, including the challenges they face. Topics include retirement, resilience skills, mindfulness, working from home and more.


Mental Health and Wellness in the Legal Profession: Online course
This self-directed online learning program aims to help legal professionals recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health and addiction issues. It offers proactive well-being tactics as well as treatment and recovery strategies for depression, anxiety, stress and other mood disorders. It also aims to reduce stigmatizing behaviours and attitudes that can get in the way of recovery and long-term well-being. Mental Health and Wellness in the Legal Profession is a collaborative initiative of the Mood Disorders Society of Canada , Bell Let's Talk  and The Canadian Bar Association.

CBA National Conference on Well-Being 
Learn about best practices that work, policies and procedures that must change, and how firms can meaningfully support and retain their lawyers. Discover why a healthy legal workplace is essential for a successful legal practice and what you can do to support your own wellness.


Discover the latest news on lawyers and mental health, including the issues that matter the most to you and your career in this compilation of articles and links we’ve curated especially for CBA members.

Well-being articles

Well-being links

Special thanks to Lawyers Financial for sponsoring our well-being programs.