The James H. Bocking Memorial Award was established by the CBA Competition Law and Foreign Investment Review Section (the "Section") in memory of the late James H. Bocking (1947-1999), former Assistant Deputy Director of Investigation and Research at the Competition Bureau, to recognize his contribution to Canadian competition law and policy during many years as an official of the Bureau.
Criteria and eligibility
The award is presented annually for the best scholarly paper submitted to the Section on a subject directly relating to Canadian competition law or policy. The papers must specifically address Canadian competition law and policy issues, and not a more general law or economics topic or competition generally in an industry. All full-time students at a Canadian law school or Canadian-qualified lawyers within three years of graduation (in Canada or elsewhere) as of April 25 are eligible to enter. Only one award will be granted to the chosen paper, regardless of the number of authors, and all authors must meet the above eligibility criteria.
Submissions must not infringe the intellectual property rights of others and must not plagiarize another’s work. Plagiarism is deliberately presenting the ideas, expression of ideas, or work of others as one’s own. Plagiarism includes reproducing or paraphrasing portions of someone else’s published or unpublished material, regardless of the source, and presenting these as one’s own without proper citation or reference to the original source. The CBA reserves the right to assess all submissions for content that potentially infringes on or plagiarizes the work of another and will disqualify any candidate that submits such content.
Policy statement on the use of generative ai in essay contest submissions
The use of generative AI tools to create any content for essay contest submissions is strictly prohibited. The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) reserves the right to review all submissions for compliance with this policy. Any candidate found to have submitted content generated by generative AI will be disqualified from the contest.
Submission and selection process
- The author’s name and identifying information must not appear on the paper itself.
- The paper should be a maximum of 40 pages, double spaced, in length.
- Papers that have been previously published or submitted for publication in any academic journal are not eligible.
- Submissions may be sent by mail, fax, or email.
- The recipient of the award will be selected by a jury.
- Additional formatting requirements.
Deadline for submissions
April 25
Entries received after the deadline will not be considered.
Competition Law and Foreign Investment Review Section
The Canadian Bar Association
Phone: (613) 237-2925
Toll Free: (800) 267-8860
The James H. Bocking Memorial Fund
The award is made possible by the James H. Bocking Memorial Fund established by the Section and consisting of contributions from family, friends, colleagues, law firms, business organizations and government agencies. The fund is used exclusively for the purpose of financing the award and incidental expenses relating thereto.
The award consists of a monetary prize of $2,500, as well as a complimentary registration for the Section's Annual Fall Conference at which time the award will be presented. The Section pays travel and accommodation expenses (within reason) incurred by the recipient (or by one of the recipients in the case of a joint paper) in connection with his or her participation in the Conference at which the award is presented.
Past winners
- 2023 - Gordon Milne (Toronto, ON)
- 2022 - Laura Hamdan (Montreal, QC)
- 2021 - Shruti Ramesh (Mississauga, ON)
- 2020 - Katie Healy (Burlington, ON)
- 2018 - Theo Milosevic (Toronto, ON)
- 2017 - Corinne Xu (Toronto, ON)
- 2015 - Duy D. Pham (Washington, DC)
- 2014 - David M. Feldman (Toronto, ON)
- 2013 - Thomas Mathews (Québec, QC)
- 2012 - Grant Bishop (Toronto, ON)
- 2011 - Daniel Michaels (Toronto, ON)
- 2010 - Aaron Levenstadt (Toronto, ON) and Robert Mysicka (Ottawa, ON)
- 2009 - Brian Donnelly (Toronto, ON)
- 2008 - Paul-Erik Veel (Toronto, ON)
- 2006 - Katherine Rivington (Toronto, ON)
- 2005 - Alex Cameron (Ottawa, ON) and Robert Tomkowicz (Ottawa, ON)
- 2003 - Ryan Morris (Toronto, ON)
- 2001 and 2002 - Christophe Masse (Outremont, QC)
- 2000 - Arlan Gates (Toronto, ON)