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| September 24, 2024
Finding the Right Fit: Law Firm Fitness Benefits for a Health-Conscious Generation
That lawyer running after the ambulance is a tired and unfair cliché, but at least he was getting some exercise. Many law firms are recognizing the power of physical fitness for improving job performance, marketing, retention and morale.
Submission | May 15, 2024
Bill C-316 — An Act to Amend the Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Court Challenges Program)
The CBA supports the enhancement of the Court Challenges Program's stability and independence to increased access to justice for marginalized groups and advancing constitutional rights.
Submission | March 27, 2024
Home Childcare Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot Programs
The CBA comments on the Home Childcare Provider Pilot (HCCP) and Home Support Worker Pilot (HSWP) Programs, both due to expire in June 2024.