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- Donna J Martinson, “Children’s Legal Rights in Canada under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (2016)
- UNICEF, “Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child”, E.07.XX.11 (2007) online .
- UNICEF, Child Rights Toolkit: Integrating Child Rights in Development Cooperation, (2014) online.
- UNICEF, “Manuel sur les droits de l’enfant: Intégrer les droits de l'enfant dans la coopération pour le développement” (2014) en ligne.
- White & Case LLP, “Access to Justice for Children: Canada” (2016) Child Rights Information Network online.
- White & Case LLP, “Access to Justice for Children: Country Report Card (Canada)” (2016) Child Rights Information Network online.
- Suzanne Williams, “Legal Hooks and Springboards to Advance Children’s Access to Justice” (2015)