About Public Policy & Advocacy

An influential voice for legal professionals

The CBA is an independent and powerful voice for legislative, regulatory and policy development that affects Canadian law and legal practice. We are the only national association of lawyers with a mandate to protect the professional and commercial interests of the legal profession and to promote the rule of law.

Through our advocacy work, the CBA provides an important perspective to law reform in Canada and internationally. Our members work on the frontlines of the justice system, bringing a first-hand view to our public policy and advocacy activities.

Our Focus

The CBA focuses our members’ influence in key areas of the law with governments, regulators, the courts and media. Our work involves:

  • Issues of importance to the legal profession generally
  • Issues of direct relevance to lawyers in their practice areas
  • Issues addressing the profession’s core principles

Core Principles

Working in the public interest, the legal profession is committed to core principles of:

  • An impartial and independent judiciary, without which there is no rule of law
  • An independent legal profession, without which there is no rule of law or freedom for the people
  • Access to justice for all people, which is only possible with an independent legal profession and an impartial and independent judiciary

Our Work

Our advocacy work takes many forms:

Read about our current initiatives:

Legislation and Law Reform Committee

The Legislation and Law Reform Committee serves as the CBA’s voice for improving the law and the administration of justice. We contribute to public debate on important law reform matters. Find out more about the Committee’s priorities and resources. 

Bylaws and Policies

From conflicts of interest to determining priorities, discover the bylaws and policies that govern our work. 

Get Involved

Would you like to contribute to the CBA’s public policy and advocacy work? To get involved, contact your relevant Branch or National Section