Wills, Estates and Trusts Updates

January 13, 2022

Want to get more involved?

The Section has several Member-at-Large vacancies on the Executive Committee (term ending August 31, 2022). If you are interested in getting involved, please send your expression of interest and CV to wills.estates.trusts@cba.org.

Enter our new law student essay contest

Submit an essay for a chance to win $500 and get your paper published on our webpage!

The award will be presented annually for the best English or French scholarly paper received by the submission date on a subject relating to wills, estates and trusts law in Canada by an individual who is a full-time or a part-time student currently enrolled at a Canadian law school. Also, all current graduating law students and/or articling students and/or candidates in the Law Practice Program, are eligible to enter as long as they are not called to the Bar.

Learn more and please share in your network. Deadline: May 2, 2022.

Member Articles

Members can submit relevant and current articles on issues related to the law and practice in the areas of wills, trusts and estates (1,000 words or less). Please contact Melissa Saunders (Communications Officer) to contribute to member articles, particularly those of national importance.


Even More Relevant, Recent PD!

On-demand recordings are now available: