I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to update you on the recent activities and upcoming events.
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who attended the last two Brown Bag presentations on February 28 (The Hidden Side of Artificial Intelligence: What Public Sector Lawyers Need to Know) and March 26 (Empowering Public Sector Lawyers: Understanding Climate Change Litigation). These presentations drew a great turnout and facilitated valuable discussion among members nationwide.
I am thrilled to announce that we will hold an exclusive in-person networking event in my vibrant hometown of Vancouver on April 4, 2024. At this event, members can connect with executive members from the national Section and the CBABC Public Sector Lawyers Section. For the last hour of the event, three esteemed members of the BC judiciary (Provincial, Supreme, Court of Appeal) will share their journey from public sector lawyering to distinguished positions on the Bench. The panel discussion will also be available online for those who cannot attend in-person. Register by April 1, 2024 to attend in-person or online.
We will be presenting a Brown Bag presentation on “Understanding UNDRIP – Recent Developments and Relevant Considerations for Public Sector Lawyers” on May 21, 2024. Please see below for more details.
Finally, I wish to congratulate Margaret Unsworth, KC from the Alberta Department of Justice and Solicitor General on receiving the 2023 CBA John Tait Award of Excellence for her exemplary public sector legal service, leadership, and social justice achievements. Margaret has served as a public sector lawyer for over forty years and has served as a bencher, lecturer and on many Law Society committees. She is known for her thoughtful leadership and mentorship and has represented the Alberta Government in landmark cases on same-sex marriage, senate reform and treaty rights. Outside the legal arena, Margaret volunteers for non-profit housing organizations, church boards, and foundations. Congratulations Margaret on this well-deserved award!
Thank you for continuing to support our Section. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.
During this presentation, the panel will focus on the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision, Reference re An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families, 2024 SCC 5 where the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a federal law affirming Indigenous peoples’ right to self-government for child and family services.
The panellists will consider the implications of this decision for public sector lawyers and the context of the implementation of UNDRIP by the federal United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, SC 2021, c 14 and BC’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, SBC 2019, c 44.
Promote “In the Public Interest” Student Essay Contest. Students can win $500 for the best paper written about the contribution of public sector lawyers or an important development in the law affecting public sector lawyers in Canada.
The submission deadline for this year’s contest is May 2, 2024. Details on the contest criteria and eligibility are available.
The Section has a LinkedIn group! Please join us and share information.
Thank you,
Karen FW Liang
Chair, 2023-2024, CBA Public Sector Lawyers Section