Welcome to the 2023-2024 year!

October 12, 2023

Susan Lynn Philpott

Welcome to the new CBA 2023-2024 year. As I receive the baton from Veronica Monteiro to serve as this year’s Chair, I am excited and grateful for the wealth of skill and diversity of this year’s Executive. Check out our webpage to familiarize yourselves with your representatives from across the country. I look forward to a year of invigorating and fruitful exchange among our members and am hopeful that we will have more opportunities than in recent years to gather in person.

The Section will continue to provide vigorous advocacy on relevant legislative and regulatory initiatives through submissions and meetings with the regulators, input on cases of interest, and the presentation of topical webinars.

Please consider joining one of our committees or participating in some of our activities! I encourage you to connect with anyone on the executive should you have ideas or questions about the work of the Section.


The CBA Pensions and Benefits Online Symposium took place in June 2023. Thank you to all our speakers and moderators! The entire symposium is available via recordings.

Proposals for webinars taking place in 2024 are open, so If you have a suggestion for a webinar topic or would like to volunteer as a speaker or moderator, please contact us!


If you would like to submit a member article, please contact Tom Stevenson (Secretary).


The Section has a LinkedIn group! Please join us to stay connected to other Section members and receive the latest updates!

Thank you,

Susan Lynn Philpott,
Chair 2023-2024, CBA Pensions and Benefits Law Section