You are invited - Save the date!

April 23, 2019

Enjoy legal updates and tips from panels of insolvency experts while enjoying the beautiful Rocky Mountains! Bring the family and make a long weekend of it! Snow sports and entertainment abound, and information will be provided for those interested in taking advantage of the amazing venue.

This event will take place on November 8, 2019 at the beautiful Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel (with a welcome reception on the evening of November 7, 2019, Spouses are welcome!)

Topics will include:

  • Intersection between Insolvency and Regulatory Law – the fall-out after Redwater
  • The Treatment of Municipal Taxes Priority Claims in Insolvencies
  • Ethics panel – hypothetical scenarios, and positions of LITs, Lawyers and Bankers
  • Mid-market Commercial Insolvency Update and Cross-Country Report
  • CRA Claims and Best Strategies for Dealing with Them
  • Retail Insolvencies – the Perspectives of the Insolvency Professionals, Lenders, Landlords and Tenants
  • The Treatment of Builders’ Lien Claims across Canada
  • Dealing with True Leases and Financing Leases
  • Update on CBA legislative work relevant to insolvency law

Hope to see you there! Stay tuned for more information.

Frank Spizzirri
CBA Insolvency Law Chair