What’s new this spring!

April 20, 2023

Arlene ONeill

We invite you to participate in the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association’s In-house Leadership Retreat on June 2 in Toronto, ON!

Learn from industry experts on topics around leadership, management, emerging risks and issues, and strategy for in-house counsel through panels, keynotes and roundtables.

Our Section is proud to co-sponsor the In-house Leadership Retreat with Gardiner Roberts LLP, a prominent mid-size Toronto business law firm. Gardiner Roberts LLP is grateful for the opportunity to support this valuable program for in-house lawyers and welcomes the occasion to network with the members of these two important CBA Sections.

The program is aimed at experienced leaders like you! Join us at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club on Toronto Island for a spectacular event. CBA Business Law Section members can take advantage of the reduced rate of $250/person to register for the retreat. RSVP now as space is limited! You will receive your discount code when you RSVP.

More details on upcoming initiatives below.

Promote Our Essay Contest!

Help to promote our Law Student Essay contest in your network and on social media. The award is presented for the best scholarly paper received relating to Canadian business law. The winner will receive a monetary prize and have their paper published on our webpage! The contest is sponsored by McInnes Cooper. Check out the eligibility requirements and the past winners’ papers! Deadline: May 2, 2023.

Upcoming PD Webinars

This year, our Section will present three webinars. Stay tuned for registration to open! If you have speaker suggestions or ideas for topics we should cover in the future, please let us know.

Securities Laws Developments Including The New Self-Regulatory Organization

On January 1 a New Self-Regulatory Organization for the Canadian Securities Industry came into existence. This is one of several developments in securities law and regulation that we plan to delve into.

ESG Update: Issues, Risks and Trends

Regulators and investors have set their sights on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). This webinar will focus on the ESG reforms and proposals that are impacting Canadian businesses. The panel will share their insights and guidance for managing ESG legal risks and their thoughts on emerging trends.

Current Practice Trends in Canadian Private M&A

Join us for our annual discussion on the evolving market practices and trends in Canadian private M&A and gain insight into key provisions in purchase agreements.

Follow us on LinkedIn

Did you know our Section has a LinkedIn page? We share updates, events, news on opportunities to participate in advocacy initiatives and publications. Please follow us, and share in your network.

More relevant, recent PD!

On-demand recordings are now available:


Arlene D. O’Neill
Chair, CBA Business Law Section 2022-2023