2. Materials

The CBA’s Conflicts of Interest Toolkit includes practical checklists and precedents to use and adapt for your practice.

Acknowledgement of Sources

The original August 2008 Toolkit was the result of significant work and consultation done by the CBA Task Force on Conflicts of Interest. This updated Toolkit benefits and builds on these efforts.

Contributors and Peer reviewers

  1. CBA Ethics and Professional Responsibility Sub-Committee 2019-2020:  
    1. Craig Yamashiro, Chair,
    2. Jennifer Biernaskie,
    3. Colin Ouellette,
    4. Leslie Walden,
    5. Yanick Vlasak
  2. Consultant:
    1. Amy F. Salyzyn, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa | President, Canadian Association for Legal Ethics
  3. External stakeholders:
    1. Karin Galdin and David Swayze (on behalf of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada)
    2. Brooke Mackenzie (Mackenzie Barristers)
    3. Elaine Cumming (on behalf of Nova Scotia Barristers Society)
    4. Malcolm Mercer (former LSO Treasurer and former McCarthy Tetrault ethics counsel)
    5. Juda Strawcyznski (on behalf of LawPRO)
    6. Naomi Horrox (on behalf of the Law Society of Ontario)
    7. Nancy Carruthers (on behalf of the Law Society of Alberta)
    8. Lance Cook (on behalf of the Law Society of British Columbia)
    9. Darcia Senft (on behalf of the Law Society of Manitoba)
    10. Adam Bobker (Bereskin & Parr LLP)
    11. Ken Krofoot (Goodmans) c. Rhys Davies QC (Davies)


The information, checklists, and model agreements and letters in this Toolkit are for your consideration and use when you draft your own documents. They are NOT meant to be used “as is.” Their suitability will depend on a number of factors, such as the current state of the law and practice in each area of law, your writing style, your needs and the needs and preferences of your clients. The model documents may require modifications to correspond to current law and practice. The information and documents in this Toolkit are not intended to report, establish or create the standard of care for lawyers.

Copyright Information

© 2008 and 2020 by the Canadian Bar Association. All rights reserved.

Lawyers and law firms may use and adapt these contents and documents for the operations of their practices and firms. Otherwise, no part of this publication may be transcribed, reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or translated into any language or computer language in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the Canadian Bar Association.