Niche programs for your special interests Access top-quality, specialized CPD programming at great member rates.
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The Path: Your Journey Through Indigenous Canada
This on-demand program is tailored for legal professionals who are focused on Indigenous reconciliation. It includes six self-paced online modules that explore the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada, address legal issues such as incarceration and the Gladue principles and provide an overview of Indigenous Courts and alternative justice systems.
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Learn moreBecome a certified executor advisor at a discounted rate
In the Certified Executor Advisor (CEA) designation program, you’ll get a practical understanding of the estate transfer process in all 17 professions needed to advise an executor. Discover how these professionals can serve as a strong referral network for your practice.
As a CBA member, you’ll receive a $200 discount on your course registration.
Learn MoreDigital Futures Ultimate Series
The legal profession in Canada faces a vast transformation in the way we do business. This series is designed to provide insights to support this period of change. The eight on-demand videos feature a panel of expert speakers examining the latest technology and how it is impacting the profession.
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Learn moreMicrosoft Technology and Productivity
Microsoft Teams has become the new way to work for over 115 million daily users who come together every day to meet, call, chat and collaborate. Join the experts for three (3) accredited webinars addressing compliance and collaborative solutions – all presented via the Microsoft Teams platform.
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