CBA Air & Space Law Section Student Essay Contest

The CBA Air and Space Law Section has established an essay contest to encourage law students and young lawyers to participate in the activities of the Section and to promote and reward interest in aviation and space law topics.

Criteria and eligibility

The award is presented annually for the best English or French scholarly paper received by the submission date on a subject relating to aviation and space law, by an individual who is a full-time or a part-time student currently enrolled in a JD or LLB program at a Canadian law school. This includes National Committee on Accreditation candidates enrolled at a Canadian law school. Current articling students in Canada and candidates in the Law Practice Program are also eligible., or lawyers within three years of their call to the Bar as of April 25.

Submission guidelines

  • Papers must be at least 7 pages and no more than 15 pages in length, including references.
  • Papers must be double spaced using Times New Roman, font size 12.
  • Papers must address a theme of significance in aviation or space law, public policy or public affairs related to aviation or space law.
  • Papers must be appropriately referenced; all referencing methods in the legal field will be accepted.
  • Papers must be written in either English or French.
  • Papers must be the author’s original, unpublished work.
  • Papers or revisions of papers that are submitted for a law school course are eligible.
  • The author’s name and identifying information must not appear on the paper itself.
  • A short abstract (max. 150 words) and the author’s biography (max. 150 words) must also be submitted.
  • Additional formatting requirements.

Deadline for submissions 

April 25

Entries received after the deadline will not be considered.


CBA Sections
Canadian Bar Association
Phone: (613) 237-2925
Toll Free: (800) 267-8860
E-mail: CBAAir&

Selection process

  • Papers will be evaluated by a jury of 3-5 members appointed by the CBA Air and Space Law Section Executive.
  • Papers will be reviewed for quality of content and readability.
  • Papers may be rejected if they fail to adhere to any of the submission guidelines.
  • All submissions will be acknowledged and all candidates will receive notification of contest results.

Award & presentation

The award consists of a monetary prize of $500 and publication of the winner’s paper on the CBA Air and Space Law Section webpage.

Award winners

  • 2024 - Alexia Armstrong
  • 2023 - Matthew H. Ormsbee
  • 2022 - Gregory Radisic (Calgary, AB)
  • 2020 - Kellie Fowler (Cold Lake, AB)
  • 2019 - Ashley Reid (Edmonton, AB)


The deadline for submissions is April 25, 2025.

Entries received after the deadline will not be considered.

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