Operational policy of the CBA approved by Executive Officers, March 2006. Revised by Board of Directors, August 2018
- Any member appointed CBA representative (the CBA Representative) shall have an ongoing responsibility to represent the interests of the CBA.
- The CBA Representative shall communicate CBA positions and concerns to the organization to which they are appointed.
- The CBA Representative shall ensure the Chief Executive Officer of the CBA is kept informed on a timely basis of relevant developments, policy initiatives and key meetings (some which may require the presence of a CBA Board member) of the organization on which they sit. All relevant materials for meetings requiring a CBA Board member’s attendance shall be provided in advance of the meeting.
- When possible, the CBA Representative shall determine the CBA position on policy issues (in consultation with the Executive Director, Advocacy of the CBA) before participating in a meeting of the organization on which they sit.
- The CBA Representative shall file a full report with the Chief Executive Officer of the CBA within four weeks of a major meeting of the organization on which they sit. At minimum, two reports are required each year, one at the end of December and one at the end of June.
- The CBA Representative shall maintain files that include (but are not limited to) reports, minutes of meetings, resolutions and recommendations, background documents, and electronic communications that inform the organizations’ policy. These files are to be transferred to the CBA at the end of the representative’s term.
- It is expected that the CBA Representative shall attend all major meetings of the organization to which they have been appointed. If two consecutive meetings are missed in a 12-month period, or three meetings are missed over a 24-month period, the CBA may give notice and, at its discretion, replace the CBA representative.
- It is understood that the CBA representative may have fiduciary obligations to the organization to which they have been appointed and are bound to make the best decisions reflective of that obligation.