
1.4 Considerations When Building a Reconciliation Web Page

There are some considerations to take into account when developing your reconciliation web page. Here are the top 5 recommendations:

1. Share why this matters to your firm

Include a clear, brief message on your reconciliation work and goals. A brief synopsis of your firm’s commitment to reconciliation should be the first thing we see on this page. (See Developing Firm Messaging on Reconciliation Work if you still need to develop a message.)

2. Share your plan

If you have a reconciliation plan, post it. If you have put elements of your plan into action, consider sharing those successes as well.

3. Be authentic

If you include artwork on your site, be sure that it is Indigenous artwork. Reach out to Indigenous artists and graphic designers. Ensure that you pay the artist through commissioning original work or for the rights to use their artwork on your website. Ensure it is not the typical stock graphics of tipis, dream catchers, a Métis sash, or inuksuit. Be sure to acknowledge the artists on your site. Remember: you do not need to include artwork – a simple statement of support goes a long way.

4. Make it easy to find

Be sure not to bury links to your reconciliation plan on your website. Consider having a permanent link on your home page, or if that is not possible, look at including a link on a rotating basis. Also, consider posting a key contact person within your firm who can speak to your plan. 

5. Share your firm’s activities

We already mentioned sharing elements of your plan that have been put in place, but what about other related events and initiatives? From pictures of internal events (such as Orange Shirt Day) to advocacy work, your firm may be doing that supports Indigenous communities. It is all important so be sure to show your work!