Truth and Reconciliation Toolkit for Firms

The Truth and Reconciliation Toolkit for Firms is designed to help law firms advance their reconciliation journeys. Get valuable guidance, templates and examples on these topics:

Reach out to your local Indigenous Friendship Centre as a first step to build relationships and start on your path to reconciliation.

“The truth is hard. Reconciliation is harder.” – Senator Murray Sinclair

Message from the CBA’s first Indigenous president 

Welcome to the CBA’s Truth and Reconciliation Toolkit. As the first Indigenous president of the CBA, I am so proud of the organization's work to further reconciliation efforts on behalf of the profession. Programs like The Path, aimed at increasing cultural awareness, have truly made a difference to the many thousands of lawyers across the country who have taken our training.

That said, there is still much work to be done. The CBA created this toolkit as another way to help you do this work. Whether you are just beginning your reconciliation journey or are already on your way, these resources can help you learn to be a better ally, engage with Indigenous advisors, recruit and retain Indigenous talent, and more.

We know this is difficult work.  As Senator Murray Sinclair said, “The truth is hard.  Reconciliation is harder.”

We hope this toolkit will inspire you as you move forward on this path of reconciliation.

We are grateful for the support of our sponsors, with particular thanks to McCarthy Tétrault for their significant support, including their financial and substantive contributions.

Brad Regehr
CBA President (2020-2021)

CBA welcomes your feedback on this toolkit.  If you have suggestions for new content or updates on existing content, please email us at

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