The Section has had a busy first half of the CBA year. On your behalf, we have organized formal responses to three pieces of legislation and are preparing for a study where the CBA has been invited to testify on the review of Bill C-36 (Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act) and on S-210 (An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material).
Our submissions on the Miscarriages of Justice Commission were well-received and cited repeatedly in the final report provided to the Minister of Justice. In addition, we have organized two webinars on emerging issues that we urge you to attend. As always, the Executive is looking for ideas on how best to represent our membership and we encourage you to reach out with your concerns and comments.
Jordan Update: COVID Impact on the s. 11(b) Right to Trial within a Reasonable Time – April 5, 2022
This program will provide an update on the law on s. 11(b) in the 5 years since Jordan and the many issues which have been resolved in the meantime. Particular focus will be given on s. 11(b) issues that have arisen in the context of COVID-19 related-delays.
Women in Criminal Law – June 6, 2022
Mark June 6 in your calendar for our webinar which will address the inequities experienced by women working in criminal law on both sides of the bar, the high attrition rate of women working in criminal defence, reasons for attrition, and efforts that can be made to retain women in the defence bar, combatting unequal treatment inside and outside of the courtroom, and “how to be an ally” to women in criminal law. This webinar is part of the CBA’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) series. It’s free for CBA members to participate.
More Advocacy Highlights
CBA End-of-Life Working Group
Our Section is actively involved with the CBA End-of-Life Working Group. In early February 2022, the Working Group made a submission on Medical Assistance in Dying, namely issues about mature minors, advance requests and mental illness. The Working Group has consistently recommended that amendments to the Criminal Code for MAiD align with the criteria established by the Supreme Court of Canada in Carter.
Recent submissions
- Bill C-5 – Criminal Code and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Amendments (February 2022)
- Medical Assistance in Dying (February 2022)
- Bill S-210 – An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material (February 2022)
- Criminal Case Review Commission (August 2021)
- Elder Abuse (May 2021)
- Bill C-3 – Judges Act and Criminal Code amendments (February 2021)
Coffee in the times of COVID – cohort stream!
Our Section will present a Coffee in the Times of COVID cohort stream March 24 to May 19, 2022. Over five sessions, facilitators will inform participants about current trends in criminal law, assist in developing confidence and competence, and create opportunities for mentoring and networking. If you are a law student or new lawyer, join us and share in your network!
CBA Criminal Justice on Twitter
Be sure to follow and retweet the Section on our active Twitter account: @CBA_CrimJustice. Check out our updates on member profiles, new legislation, webinars, our initiatives and important criminal law news.
Call for member articles
Any member wishing to submit a member article should do so! Please contact Kyla Lee (Communications Officer) for more details and to learn how to get involved in the Section.
More relevant, recent PD!
On-demand recordings are now available:
- “Kicking and Screaming” – The Use of Technology in Courtrooms (December 2020)
- Recent Issues in Sentencing: Conditional Sentences, Mandatory Minimums and Race and Cultural Assessments (October 2020)
Thank you for your continued support.
Tony Paisana
Chair, CBA Criminal Justice Section