I hope you enjoyed the summer and the slight semblance of normality that it brought with it.
I am conscious that this has been a particularly trying period for all and that many of us have lost loved ones.
As we look towards the coming year, I am delighted to announce that we will be holding our annual CBA Administrative Law, Labour and Employment Law Conference in-person, for the first time since 2019. I invite all of you who can, to please make an effort to attend.
I would like to underline the exceptional contributions of Valerie Dixon, immediate Past Chair and Ronni Nordal, Honourable Member-at-Large. They expended an enormous amount of energy and effort in keeping our Section active and pertinent in circumstances where it was not possible to carry-on as we usually do with in-person meetings.
I would like to welcome our incoming Secretary, Andrew Monkhouse and our new Branch Chairs and Members-at-Large on the Executive. I would also like to thank our outgoing members for their service to the legal community.
Check out our upcoming events and updates on Section activities.
Constructive Dismissal – September 28
Please mark your calendars for September 28 when we discuss constructive dismissal, one of the most vexing topics in employment law. We will cover basic principles, as well as the latest cases from the SCC and appellate courts. Suitable for newly called lawyers and senior counsel alike, this webinar will provide attendees with a concise refresher as well as expert panelists’ commentary on emerging trends and challenging scenarios from both employer and employee perspectives. This session will be presented in English and French with simultaneous interpretation.
CBA Administrative Law, Labour and Employment Law Conference – Nov. 4 and 5
This conference offers participants a solid grounding in the latest developments affecting their clients and practices, as well as networking opportunities with colleagues from around the country. We’re kicking off the weekend with the ever-popular “Year in Review in Administrative Law” and closing out the conference with “View from the Bench and Other Decision-Makers”, with a few surprises in between.
Essay Contest Winner
The Section is pleased to announce Meredith Wilson-Smith as the winner of the CBA Labour & Employment Law Section Student Essay Contest for her paper titled, “Mind the (#MeToo) Gaps: Post-2016 workplace sexual violence reform in Ontario”. Meredith is a 2L student at Osgoode Hall Law School.
Advocacy Highlights
In May 2022, the Section, in concert with the CBA Competition Law and Foreign Investment Review Section, commented on the Competition Act amendments in the Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1. The Sections explained their concerns with a proposed new criminal offence for wage-fixing and no-poach agreements between employers.
Member Articles
If you have written an article that you think would be of interest to members, please submit it to be published on our webpage, LinkedIn group and sent out to all CBA members in the quarterly article roundup!
More relevant, recent PD!
On-demand recordings are now available:
- COVID-19 Developments in Labour & Employment Law (June 2022)
- Litigating and defending systemic discrimination cases (April 2022)
- CBA Labour and Employment Law Online Symposium (November 2021)
Thank you,
Christopher Deehy
Chair 2022-2023, CBA Labour & Employment Section Executive Committee