Message from the Chair and Section Opportunities

December 7, 2017

Dear Section Members,

The CBA Labour & Employment Law Section is Canada’s leading association of labour and employment lawyers. We respond to legislative initiatives, contribute to national policy, and provide exceptional professional development.

Our flagship initiative is the annual CBA Administrative Law, Labour and Employment Law Conference, held in Ottawa every November in partnership with the Administrative Law Section. We just concluded our 18th annual conference, which was, as always, outstanding. The conference offered participants a solid grounding in the latest developments affecting their clients and practices, enhancement of professional skills, and networking opportunities with colleagues from around the country. We have already begun planning for the November 2018 conference and welcome members to the Conference Planning Committee. Other committees include:

  • Law Reform Committee, which consults with government and makes written submissions expressing the Section’s point of view on policy or legislation, e.g. NAFTA and Bill C-16 (amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act to add the grounds of gender identity or gender expression). There may also be the opportunities to participate in cross-Section law reform initiatives. E.g. CBA Pay Equity Working Group.
  • Communications and Webinar Committee, which solicits articles and plans webinars of high quality, and is responsible for member outreach.

Joining the Section and getting involved in committees gives you access to expertise across the country. Please contact Kelena McDowell if you would like to get involved.

Check out our website and see who is on the 2017-2018 Executive. Feel free to contact any of us if you have any questions or if you are interested in volunteering. We also invite you to share information and engage in timely conversations on the Discussion Board (don’t forget to click “Subscribe” in order to receive notifications) or our LinkedIn group.

Gail L. Gatchalian
Chair, CBA Labour & Employment Law Section

Registration for the 2018 CBA Winter Law Series is now open. Find the webinar that suits your needs and your practice.