Happy New Year! I hope you are healthy (although that may be overly optimistic given the current situation) and got some well-deserved rest over the holidays.
We wrapped 2021 with a very successful Online Symposium which included panel discussions on mediation ethics, social media evidence and substance use issues. If you weren’t able to attend the live presentation, I strongly encourage you to check out the recordings. We are deeply grateful to the presenters, moderators and CBA staff who put so much time and energy into planning and executing such a high quality and seamless program. And thank you as well to the participants for your engagement and thoughtful questions!
We’ll soon be planning for this year’s Symposium so if you have topics you would like to see covered or speakers you think would be great, please let us know. In the meantime, we have a webinar scheduled for April 19 on Litigating and Defending Systemic Discrimination Cases, presented with the Constitutional and Human Rights Law Section. Please mark your calendars and be sure to join us! More details below.
2022 is off to a challenging start for all of us. Engaging with our colleagues and supporting one another has never been more important. We welcome new ideas to engage existing and prospective members. Please contact us if you have ideas you’d like to share. Check out some ways to get more involved below.
Litigating and Defending Systemic Discrimination Cases – April 19
Join us to discuss the most significant issues that arise in the litigation of systemic discrimination claims, including the differences between cases brought before human rights tribunals/commissions versus the courts and arbitrators, class actions, evidentiary challenges and the use of experts.
Enter our Essay Contest
If you know any Law Students or if you are one yourself, please consider entering the Section’s essay contest (May 2, 2022 deadline). Entrants have a chance to win a $500 cash prize and have their essay published on the Section webpage. The winner of last year’s essay contest was Paniz Khosroshahy, read her winning essay!
Coffee in the Times of COVID – Cohort Stream, coming soon!
Volunteer to facilitate a Coffee in the Times of COVID cohort stream session in collaboration with the CBA Young Lawyers Section. Contact us by February 3, 2022 if you are interested.
If you are a law student or new lawyer, watch for dates to be announced and share in your network!
Member Articles
Have you published an article with your firm? Please send it to us to republish! The author and firm will be acknowledged. Member articles are published on our webpage, LinkedIn group and sent out to all CBA members in the quarterly article roundup.
Get involved
- Send us your ideas for new activities or initiatives that you would like to see from the Section;
- Volunteer and assist with a Section initiative;
- Join us to contribute to our submissions;
- Join our LinkedIn group and share information.
More relevant, recent PD!
On-demand recordings are now available:
- Pandemic Preparedness – COVID-19 Update (March 2021)
- Issues in Labour & Employment Settlements (October 2020)
- Charter Protections in Pandemic Times (June 2020)
- COVID-19 and Human Rights (June 2020)
- How to Conduct a Virtual Hearing: Tips for Labour and Employment Practitioners (April 2020 – Free for CBA members)
Thank you,
Valerie Dixon
Chair, CBA Labour & Employment Section