New opportunities for Ontario: Investment and investors under the Provincial Nominee Program

December 27, 2011

Ever since its inception in 2007, Ontario had an investor component to its PNP. Under the original program, this remained a little-known fact, and those that knew about the investor component (formerly known as the Multinational Investor Category, or “MNI”) criticized it for being inaccessible as a business immigration option. After approximately 20 months as a pilot program, the province rebranded its PNP as "Opportunities Ontario,” making changes to expand the program, both from a cap perspective, but also in various other respects (such as the elimination of the occupation list).

See the New Opportunities for Ontario: Investment and Investors under the Provincial Nominee Program to continue reading this article.

Note: First published by Baker & McKenzie and reproduced here with the permission of the author.

About the Author

Alan Diner heads Baker & McKenzie’s Canadian global immigration & mobility practice group in Toronto.