Join us in being One Voice on Elder Law issues

December 3, 2018

We are pleased to introduce this year’s Executive Committee, report on the CBA Elder Law Section activities and encourage you all to get involved in upcoming initiatives!

Our Section currently has just over 900 members across Canada but with your help we can change that! Elder Law should be of interest of lawyers in any and every practice area and this year we want the section to be of interest to as many lawyers across the country. Recruit colleagues to join our Section!

At the national level, our job as the section leaders is to help educate lawyers and the public about the issues faced by our ever-aging population. We would like to achieve the following goals in 2019:

  • Have more of an online presence - through Social Media. Being visible on CBA’s Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn is a start!
  • Collaborate with other Sections
  • Build an inventory of content for lawyers and the public to shed light on issues of interest.

How can you help and get involved?

Volunteer for a committee at the national level:


2018-2019 is going to be a fantastic year. We have submitted proposals for the three following webinars:

  • Marijuana Use in Long Term Care/ Assisted Living Facilities
  • Vulnerable Investors
  • Capacity to Marry & Capacity to Divorce

Stay tuned for more information!


You can also contribute relevant and current articles on elder law issues under the Section’s article banner Sage Advice.

We don’t foresee Law Reform as being a separate committee this year but if there are law reform issues that you believe should be addressed, please contact us.

Yours very truly,

Graham Webb
Chair, Elder Law Section