4th Annual Access to Information and Privacy Law Symposium

September 26, 2013

OTTAWA — The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) will hold its 4th Annual Access to Information and Privacy Law Symposium at the Westin Hotel, Ottawa, on September 27 and 28, 2013. Sessions will focus on key developments in privacy law both internationally and provincially, including employee privacy, access rights and litigation, new health privacy legislation, the impact of new technologies on access to information, and social media privacy rights from birth past death.

Conference highlights include:

  • Address by Colin Bennett, Professor at University of Victoria, Department of Political Science: Mr. Bennett’s research has focused on a comparative analysis of surveillance technologies and privacy protection policies at the domestic and international levels — Sept. 27, 12:15 p.m.
  • Panel discussion on how emerging technologies affect access to government information featuring Kady O’Malley, CBC reporter, and others — Sept. 27, 3:30 p.m.
  • Plenary session on the competing interests between privacy and media featuring Gary DicksonPrivacy and Information Commissioner of SaskatchewanDrew HasselbackEditor of the Legal Post (Financial Post), and more — Sept. 28, 8:30 a.m.

Location: Westin Hotel, 11 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON

The full conference program is available online. The conference is open to accredited media. For accreditation, please contact Hannah Bernstein.

The Canadian Bar Association is dedicated to support for the rule of law, and improvement in the law and the administration of justice. Some 37,000 lawyers, notaries, law teachers, and law students from across Canada are members.

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