Young Lawyers Pro Bono Award

The Young Lawyers Pro Bono Award recognizes outstanding pro bono legal services to the community by a young lawyer in Canada.


  • A lawyer under the age of 40, or who has practiced for 10 years or less; Canadian Bar Association membership a prerequisite. Articling students who are CBA members are also eligible.
  • There are no posthumous awards.

Nomination procedure

The nominator must submit the following:

  • A letter of nomination from a CBA member including full details as to why the individual should receive the award.
  • A concise curriculum vitae of the nominee must be included.
  • Three letters of support from CBA members stating reasons for the candidate's nomination.
  • The full name, business & home address, telephone, fax and e-mail information of both the nominee and the three nominators shall be included with the nomination.
  • Confirmation in writing from the nominee that he/she agrees to have his/her name put forward for the Award.
  • Confirmation in writing from the nominee that he/she did not receive compensation or remuneration, either payment or in kind, for the pro bono work.
  • Completed nominations must be submitted online and include all above noted documents.

Deadline for applications


Selection process

  • Selection made by a jury consisting of the President of the CBA, the Chair of the Young Lawyers - CBA, and a Past Chair of the Young Lawyers - CBA.
  • More than one award may be considered in any one year.
  • No award may be granted in any one year.


The winner shall receive a $500 cash prize. The winner will be announced in a news release and a tribute will be published in the Association magazine, National.

Recent winners

Past Winners

  • 2014 - No awards given
  • 2013 - Stephanie Yang (Regina, SK)
  • 2012 - Chantal Desloges (Toronto, ON)
  • 2011 - Arman Chak (Edmonton, AB)
  • 2010 - Kate Saunders (Vancouver, BC)
  • 2009 - Tricia Kuhl (Montréal, QC)
  • 2008 - Ryan Teschner (Toronto, ON)
  • 2007 - Lisa D. Belcourt (Midland, ON)
  • 2006 - Pamela Kovacs (Regina, SK)
  • 2005 - Robin Bajer (Vancouver, BC)
  • 2004 - Shane Brady (Georgetown, ON)
  • 2003 - John-Paul Boyd (Vancouver, BC)
  • 2002 - Averill Baker (St. John's, NF)
  • 2001 - JoAnn Quinn (Edmonton, AB)
  • 2000 - Brian Cohen (Toronto, ON)
  • 1999 - Johanne Leroux (Montréal, QC) 
  • 1998 - Susan M. Ursel (Toronto, ON)
  • 1997 - C. Scott Sterns (Halifax, NS)
  • 1996 - Heather Treacy (Calgary, AB)
  • 1995 - No Winner 
  • 1994 - Diana Goldie (Edmonton, AB); Mark Sandler (Toronto, ON)


The deadline for nominations is TBC.