This policy provides modernized guidelines for the use of social media, discussion groups, and listservs by CBA members, volunteers, and employees. It seeks to protect the integrity of the legal profession, align with the CBA's Principles of Conduct policy, applicable policies and legal obligations, foster constructive and professional engagement.
This policy applies to all digital platforms, including social media channels and discussion boards, whether used for official CBA activities or personal purposes where the CBA may be implicated.
1. Guiding principles
- Professionalism: Maintain conduct consistent with the ethical obligations of legal professionals and the CBA’s Principles of Conduct policy.
- Transparency: Distinguish personal opinions from official CBA positions and use disclaimers when appropriate.
- Confidentiality: Protect sensitive, privileged, or proprietary information.
- Respect: Ensure interactions are courteous and do not include discriminatory, defamatory, or offensive content.
- Compliance: Adhere to the CBA’s Principles of Conduct policy and applicable laws, including but not limited to those governing defamation, harassment, discrimination, privacy, intellectual property, and competition.
2. Use of official CBA social media accounts
- Only authorized individuals, such as CBA staff, committee volunteers, or designated spokespersons, may post on official CBA accounts.
- Posts must follow CBA communications protocols and the CBA’s Spokesperson Policy. Authorized staff may post without prior approval in urgent situations but must adhere to pre-approved messaging guidelines.
- Posts should align with CBA values, be factual, and enhance the legal profession’s reputation.
- Avoid contentious topics unless they reflect an approved CBA position.
- Official accounts will be monitored by the Communications team or designated moderators for compliance and emerging issues. Engagement metrics will be tracked regularly.
3. Personal use of social media
While CBA members, volunteers and employees are encouraged to use their personal accounts in a constructive manner to amplify the CBA's work and generate thoughtful dialogue, they are expected to use their personal accounts in a manner that complies with the CBA's Principles of Conduct Policy. Personal accounts must avoid posts that violate professional standards and/or employment obligations. CBA members, volunteers, and employees are expected to use social and other electronic media in manner that complies with the CBA’s Principles of Conduct and applicable legal obligations, including professional standards and employment obligations.
4. Discussion groups
- Purpose and expectations: CBA discussion groups and listservs are provided for members’ professional benefit. They foster communication about law, practice, procedure, and legislative developments while maintaining professional standards. They are not to be used for political or commercial purposes. Discussion boards will be monitored by the Communications team or designated moderators for compliance and emerging issues.
- Conduct: Participants must:
- Conduct themselves civilly, courteously and respectfully.
- Refrain from personal attacks, persistent off-topic comments, or unlawful content.
- Ensure all posts reflect professionalism and comply with applicable laws, including those related to defamation, discrimination, harassment, copyright, and competition.
- Treat discussion group communications as public and non-confidential.
- Comply with CBA’s Principles of Conduct policy and all applicable CBA polices and law.
- Prohibited conduct
- Posting defamatory, harassing, discriminatory, abusive, profane, obscene, or unlawful content.
- Falsely impersonating others or engaging in spamming.
- Posting links, attachments (discussion groups only) or files with destructive features, such as viruses.
- Publishing messages that facilitate anti-competitive behavior or harm the CBA’s reputation.
- Moderation and enforcement
- Discussion groups may have volunteer moderators appointed by the Section Executive Committee. Moderators have discretion to delete inappropriate posts and or user accounts.
- The CBA reserves the right to suspend or revoke user privileges for violations of CBA policies and/or legal obligations.
- Appeals of suspension decisions can be made to the CBA Governance and Equity Committee, whose decisions are final.
- Disclaimer: The CBA is not responsible for the opinions or content posted by members or third parties on discussion groups or listservs. These opinions do not reflect the CBA’s policies or views.
5. Use of CBA branding and intellectual property
- Logo use: The CBA logo may only be used on official accounts or with prior written approval. Unauthorized use of the logo or other intellectual property is prohibited.
- Content rights: By posting material to discussion groups or listservs, participants grant the CBA and its users a nonexclusive license to display, copy, and use the material.
6. Section and Committee social media and digital platforms
Sections and committees must seek approval to establish social media accounts or discussion groups. Requests should include:
- A content plan outlining topics and posting frequency.
- Designated moderators or staff liaisons for monitoring.
- Target audience and objectives.
7. Compliance
All accounts and users must adhere to this policy. The CBA may, in its discretion, suspend or give a user notice that their rights may be suspended or impose conditions on any user’s privileges for breach of the rules and provide the user the opportunity to show good reason why the penalty should not be imposed. A decision regarding the penalty shall be made by the CBA Director of Communications, who acts in their discretion with such consultation with CBA staff and volunteers as they see fit.
- Employees: Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
- Volunteers: Violations may lead to the loss of leadership roles or other CBA privileges.
- Members: Breaches of professional standards or this policy may be subject to review under the CBA’s Principles of Conduct policy.
This policy aims to maintain the CBA’s reputation and foster a professional, respectful, and collaborative environment across all digital platforms. For questions or further guidance, contact comms@cba.org.