The Policy Committee met in December 2023 to review the resolutions for the Annual Meeting.
For the debate of resolutions, Robert's Rules of Order apply, membership accreditation is required and only Regular members are eligible to vote. The time constraints established in the Canadian Bar Association General Regulations will be firmly applied: No person shall speak more than three minutes at one time or more than twice on one subject. In introducing the resolution, the mover may speak up to five minutes.
Members who wish to propose an amendment to any of the resolutions, or who contemplate proposing a resolution from the floor, must provide the proposed amendment or resolution in writing to Tamra Thomson ( not later than Wednesday 24 January 2024. Prior notice is particularly important to allow for review by our Committee and by the Finance Committee, and to have the proposal translated. Resolutions proposed from the floor will be in order only if time permits following debate of the resolutions in this volume.
The Committee proposes that the following resolutions, judged not to be controversial, be voted on as a block in one motion, without debate, at the beginning of the resolutions session. If you wish to debate either of these resolutions, please inform Tamra Thomson ( prior to the AGM.
- 24-02-A, CBA Bylaw Amendment – Branch Corporations
- 24-03-A, CBA Bylaw Amendment – Defining Equity
On behalf of the Association and on my own behalf, I would like to thank all the members of the Committee – Marian Brown of Vancouver; Fulvio Fracassi of Montreal; Susan Johnson of Halifax; Ken Mandzuik of Winnipeg; Brian Maude of Saint John; Keith Pridgen of Edmonton; Cameron Rempel of Toronto; Craig Yamashiro of New Westminster; and Tamra Thomson of the CBA National Office – for their collaboration.
I would also like to thank the National Office staff responsible for production and translation – Louise Brunet-Hermus, Christelle El Haddad, Brittney Riley and Louis Robillard – for their excellent work.
Thomas. E. Ullyett
Chair, Policy Committee
December 18, 2023