Statements on matters of policy and public interest on behalf of the Association are the prerogative of the President and, in his or her absence, the Vice-President. Such matters shall be:
- Supported by a resolution of Council;
- Where there is no relevant resolution of Council, the subject shall be referred to the next meeting of Council whenever practicable;
- When the subject is, in the opinion of the President, of sufficient urgency that a statement cannot await the direction of Council, then such statement shall be approved by:
- the Board of Directors where practicable;
- failing that, any two of the President, Vice-President and Treasurer,
- failing that, by the President alone.
Section Chairs may make statements on matters of policy and public interest supported by an existing resolution of Council. Where there is no such resolution, relevant statements shall be:
- Supported by a resolution of the Section and approved by the Board of Directors;
- Where it is not practicable to comply with (1), supported by a resolution of the Section Officers and approved by the President, provided that such statements are clearly attributed only to the Section and not to the Association.