This section of the toolkit is meant as a quick reference guide to Aboriginal law, Indigenous terms, laws and legal traditions.
In this section:
- Lexicon of Key Words/Greetings
- Understanding the Difference between Aboriginal Law and Indigenous Law
- Resource: Indigenous Languages – Glossaries, Dictionaries & Writing Resources
- Resource: Termium Plus
Law & Legal Traditions (Resources)
- Understanding and Implementing UNDRIP - Handbook
- Myths and Misrepresentations: The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples & Bill C-262
- Interpreting the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Fact Sheet
- The Indian Act (Background)
- Alternative Dispute Resolution in Aboriginal Contexts: A Critical Review
- Duty to Consult Indigenous Peoples
- Diversity & Inclusion Charter
- Métis Law in Canada
- Wahkohtowin Law and Governance Lodge (Alberta)
- Indigenous Law Research Institute
- Indigenous Law Update – Review of Recent Cases (Norton Rose Fulbright)
CBA welcomes your feedback on this toolkit. If you have suggestions for new content or updates on existing content, please email us at