
Thank you for an excellent year!

May 22, 2024

As my term as the 2023-2024 CBA National Chair of the Public Sector Lawyers Section (“PSLS”) draws to a close, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the privilege of serving you. Working alongside such a dedicated and talented group of lawyers and CBA staff has been an honour. Together, we have achieved many milestones, including launching seven professional development programs covering a wide range of topics, such as the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, critical discussions on a public sector lawyer’s pathway to the bench, and our final session on the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent ruling on the right of Indigenous Peoples to self-government. Your active participation in these programs enriched each session.

During this term, PSLS also had the pleasure of acknowledging an exceptional public sector lawyer for their exemplary professional and leadership contributions. Their achievements set a high benchmark for us and remind us of the importance of our continuing role as public sector lawyers.

As we emerge from the pandemic, one of the highlights for me was holding the Section’s first post-pandemic in-person executive meeting in my hometown of Vancouver, located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples. This meeting was a meaningful opportunity to finally connect with colleagues in person and to honour the land on which we work.

Looking ahead to the 2024/2025 term, PSLS is excited to expand their executive officers team to include a new Communications Officer role. I encourage those interested in joining this dynamic executive to apply for the Secretary, Communications Officer, or one of the ten member-at-large positions by the May 31, 2024 deadline. Details of the application process can be found below.

Please submit your nominations for the PSL Section here.

Lastly, please watch for the announcement of the Public Sector Lawyers Student Essay Contest winner this summer, along with the publication of the winning essay on the Section’s website.

As I move into the role of past chair, I am confident that the new executive will continue to elevate the Section and its professional development offerings. Should you have any suggestions for professional development topics for the upcoming term, please reach out to the CBA PSLS liaison at

Once again, I am grateful for your support and engagement over the past year. It has been an honour and immensely rewarding to serve as your chair.

Karen F. W. Liang
CBA Chair, Public Sector Lawyers Section, 2023/2024 Term