Spring has arrived! Our Executive has been busy organizing several great events for the remainder of the year – check out three upcoming webinars below. There are lots of opportunities to get involved and we’re always looking for fresh ideas so please contact us!
We are still waiting to see whether we will be able to return to our in-person conference this fall or whether we will be hosting an online event – recordings are available from our 2021 Online Symposium. In the meantime, planning is underway for 2022 so if you have topics you would like to see covered or speakers you think would be great, please let us know.
Litigating and Defending Systemic Discrimination Cases – April 19
Join us to discuss the most significant issues that arise in the litigation of systemic discrimination claims, including the differences between cases brought before human rights tribunals/commissions versus the courts and arbitrators, class actions, evidentiary challenges and the use of experts. The session will be presented in English and French with simultaneous translation.
COVID-19 Developments in Labour & Employment – June 13
In collaboration with the French Speaking Common Law Members Section, join us for a webinar in French which focuses on the recent COVID-19 developments in labour and employment, occupational health and safety and privacy law. Simultaneous translation in English will be available.
Save the Date: Constructive Dismissal – September 28
Please mark your calendars for September 28 when we discuss constructive dismissal, one of the most vexing topics in employment law. We will cover basic principles, as well as the latest cases from the SCC and appellate courts. Suitable for newly called lawyers and senior counsel alike, this webinar will provide attendees with a concise refresher as well as expert panelists’ commentary on emerging trends and challenging scenarios from both employer and employee perspectives.
Enter Our Essay Contest
If you know any Law Students or if you are one yourself, please consider entering the Section’s essay contest (May 2, 2022 deadline). Entrants have a chance to win a $500 cash prize and have their essay published on the Section webpage.
Coffee in the Times of COVID – Cohort Stream Coming Soon!
Our Section will present a Coffee in the Times of COVID cohort stream starting at the end of May. If you are a law student or new lawyer, watch for dates to be announced and share in your network!
As always, we encourage you to contribute to our submissions, submit member articles and share information in our LinkedIn group. Please also send us your ideas for new activities or initiatives that you would like to see from the Section.
Thank you,
Valerie Dixon
Chair, CBA Labour & Employment Section