Take part in our symposium and more!

October 1, 2021

I’m so grateful to serve as Chair and to have the support of such a dedicated Executive.

I want to encourage you to register for our upcoming Online Symposium that’s taking place on November 9. We have an excellent line-up of panels and I’m sure you’ll find it a very worthwhile program. All sessions will be presented in English and French with simultaneous translation available.


Section engagement remains a top priority. Having previously been active for years in the CBA-BC Employment Law Section, I have long known the benefit of engagement with the local bar and the satisfaction that comes with helping members stay on top of legal developments. After moving from a national firm in 2018 to working in-house with local government, I realized more than ever the importance of staying connected and collaborating with a diverse group of practitioners from across jurisdictions. The following year, I joined the national Section Executive for what has been an invaluable experience which has fulfilled my desire to be more engaged with colleagues in the practice of law.

So perhaps you’ll consider getting more involved too! We have lots of opportunities to do so this year, including joining one of our committees or assisting ongoing projects such as updating the Pandemics and the Workplace guide or helping to develop new tools like the Covid Alert App factsheet.

Thank you for continuing to be involved in the Section – your participation is what makes this worthwhile. I’m looking forward to the year ahead and I hope you are as well. If you have questions, want to share an idea or give us feedback, please reach out. Check out our essay contest winner below and learn more ways to get involved in the Section!

Essay Contest Winner

The Section is pleased to announce Paniz Khosroshahy as the winner of the CBA Labour & Employment Law Section Student Essay Contest for her paper titled, “Ontario’s Labour and Employment Law Regime as a Blueprint for Addressing Sexual Abuse in Elite Sport”. Paniz is a graduate of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law.

Member Articles

If you have written an article that you think would be of interest to members, please submit it to be published on our webpage, LinkedIn group and sent out to all CBA members in the quarterly article roundup!

More Relevant, Recent PD!

On-demand recordings are now available:

Get Involved

  • Send us your ideas for new activities or initiatives that you would like to see from the Section;
  • Volunteer and assist with a Section initiative;
  • Join us to contribute to our submissions;
  • Join our LinkedIn group and share information.

Thank you,

Valerie Dixon
Chair, CBA Labour and Employment Law Section