Drum roll…

May 19, 2022

We are excited to announce the return of the in-person CBA Administrative Law, Labour and Employment Law Conference, November 4-5, 2022 in Ottawa.

In the meantime, planning is underway, so if you have topics you would like to see covered or speakers you think would be great, please let us know. Recordings are available from our 2021 Online Symposium.

We have also been busy on the law reform front. The Section was part of a CBA multi-section working group including the CBA Women Lawyers Forum and the CBA Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Community Section which prepared a submission on the Employment Equity Act Review. Read our joint submission.

If you would like to get more involved in the Section, apply for a vacant position on the 2022-2023 national Executive (deadline May 31, 2022).

More details on all upcoming initiatives below.

Coffee in the Times of COVID – Cohort Stream

Our Section will present a Coffee in the Times of COVID cohort stream from May 31 to July 26, 2022. This cohort stream will discuss topics such as dealing with intimidating senior counsel, how to manage panic moments, the importance of mental and physical wellness and getting involved in professional organizations. If you are a law student or new lawyer, join us and share in your network!

COVID-19 Developments in Labour & Employment – June 13

In collaboration with the CBA French Speaking Common Law Members Section, join us for a webinar in French which focuses on the recent COVID-19 developments in labour and employment, occupational health and safety and privacy law. Simultaneous translation in English will be available.


Constructive Dismissal – September 28

Please mark your calendars for September 28 when we discuss constructive dismissal, one of the most vexing topics in employment law. We will cover basic principles, as well as the latest cases from the SCC and appellate courts. Suitable for newly called lawyers and senior counsel alike, this webinar will provide attendees with a concise refresher as well as expert panelists’ commentary on emerging trends and challenging scenarios from both employer and employee perspectives.


More Relevant, Recent PD!

On-demand recordings are now available:

Thank you,
CBA Labour & Employment Section Executive Committee