Invitation to a Networking Event for Law Students and Young Lawyers!
Saturday, April 25, 2020, 4:30 – 6:30 pm
Saturna Island room, Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, BC
You are invited to a private reception with the CBA Criminal Justice Section and special guests! Come and meet senior members of the bench and bar and leading practitioners, including speakers from the CBA Criminal Justice Conference who can answer your questions in an informal and relaxed setting. Space is limited, so register early! Please contact Augusta Acquah, CBA Liaison Officer, by Thursday, April 9, 2020 to reserve your spot!
Upcoming webinars:
- Criminal Justice in the North (March 10, 2020)
CBA Solutions Series 2020
Learn how to better have tough conversations in the next edition of the 2020 Solutions Series. Additional topics in the webinar series include schmoozing and authentic communication. CBA members save 25% on the 4-webinar package!