Advancing Charities and Not-For-Profit Law
The CBA Charities and Not-for-Profit Law Section deals with legal issues related to this important sector. Our Section includes lawyers who advise or serve on the boards of charitable and other not-for-profit organizations – or are otherwise involved with the law and practice related to the charitable and not-for-profit sector.
Our Section liaises regularly with:
- The American Bar Association’s Tax-Exempt Section
- Association of Fundraising Professionals
- Canada Revenue Agency and its Technical Issues Working Group
- Canadian Association of Gift Planners
- Finance Canada
- Imagine Canada (Canadian Centre for Philanthropy)
- Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Our Committees
Would you like to contribute and network with other legal professionals in the field? Send an email to to join one of our committees:
- CNCA Working Group
- Finance Committee/Budget Measures
- Revenue Generation/Related Business
- Gifts of Life Insurance
- Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector
- CRA Technical Issues Working Group
Our Section members also provide input to the CBA Tax Court Bench and Bar Liaison Committee.
Get Involved
There are many other ways to get involved:
- Submit an article
- Contribute to our submissions
- Join the discussion on our Charities and Not-for-Profit Law listserv launch
- Take part in special projects and activities such as the Primer for Directors of Non-Profit Corporations launch and the Canadian Donor's Guide launch.
- Attend our annual CBA Charity Law Symposium
- Nominate someone for the Jane Burke-Robertson Award of Excellence in Charity and Not-for-Profit Law or one of our many other CBA awards
- Submit an essay, or encourage a law student to participate in our Charities and Not-for-Profit Law Student Essay Contest
Stay Informed
- Read our latest news
- Access our submissions and resolutions
- Receive a copy of the Canadian Donor’s Guide launch
- Find out about the work we’re doing on the Anti-Corruption Team
- Upgrade your skills with the CBA Skilled Lawyer Series launch
- Visit CBA PracticeLink launch for practice tips and resources
Questions? Feel free to contact us!
Not a member of the CBA Charities and Not-for-Profit Law Section? Join now.