Marie Christine Kirouack of Montreal wins LPAC’s 2014 award of excellence

October 31, 2014

Ottawa –Marie Christine Kirouack, Executive Director of Quebec’s Programme d’aide aux membres du Barreau du Québec (PAMBA) is the 2014 winner of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) Legal Profession Assistance Conference (LPAC) Award of Excellence.

In making the announcement, Dana Schindelka, chair of LPAC, paid tribute to Ms. Kirouack’s commitment and dedication to improving mental health in the legal profession.  “Through her work with PAMBA, Marie Christine has significantly increased funding to the organization during her tenure as Executive Director.  She is a true professional who is making a difference in the lives of lawyers.”

The annual award recognizes and celebrates an individual who is involved in lawyers’ assistance.  She or he displays the qualities of knowledge, compassion and dedication to making the lives of lawyers better and more fulfilling.

Ms. Kirouack’s credentials are impressive.  Lawyer, author, lecturer and researcher, she has served as PAMBA’s Executive Director since 2011.  In practice since 1991, her areas include droit de la famille, des personnes, des successions, as well as protection de la jeunesse. Since 2004, she has been an auteure-pigiste for the CCH publication, Les dernier développments en droit de la famille, publication mensuelle.

A lecturer at McGill’s Faculty of Law since 2012, she began her career as a researcher for Jennifer Stoddard at the Commission des droits de la personne du Québec.

For close to 25 years, Ms. Kirouack has practised exclusively in family law dealing with separation, the composition of different family units as well as filiation including the donation of genetic material.

Ms. Kirouack received the award on September 27 in Calgary during the 2014 LPAC Annual Workshop.

The Canadian Bar Association is dedicated to supporting the rule of law, improvements in the law, and the administration of justice. Some 37,000 lawyers, law teachers, and law students from across Canada are members.