
CBA Find-A-Lawyer

July 10, 2018

CBA Find-A-Lawyer

How can people find you if they don’t know you’re there?

Short of them stumbling over you on their way to someone else, it’s unlikely clients will be able to find your practice unless you mark its spot.

The CBA is building a free, members-only, online database called Find-A-Lawyer to help you do just that.

The database has been many years in the planning, and now it’s ready to roll.

Except for one thing … we need lawyers to populate it. This summer we’re asking members to log into their CBA portal and opt into this directory to have their names listed in the public database.

Once we have sufficient lawyers enrolled, we will launch a campaign to let the public know how easy it is to find a qualified legal professional to help them deal with their legal issues.

Are you a lawyer looking for work?

This seems like a good time to remind you of The CBA Legal Career Centre. Found on the website under Publications & Resources, the Centre is a great place to find legal positions open across the country.