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Article | 19 février 2025
Case summary: Federal Court allows appeal of decision of Trademarks Opposition Board based on material evidence relating to pizza boxes
(Disponible uniquement en anglais)
This decision concerns an appeal from a decision of the Trademarks Opposition Board (“TMOB”), which dismissed the Applicant’s opposition to the Respondent’s application for the FAST FIRED BY CARBONE & Design trademark. The opposition was based on, among other things, the Applicant’s ownership of a registration for a FAST FIRE’D BLAZE PIZZA & Design trademark (the “Blaze Trademark”) as well as its alleged prior use of the FAST FIRE’D trademark in Canada.
Article | 19 février 2025
Case summary: Court refuses defendant’s request to schedule summary trial
(Disponible uniquement en anglais)
In this decision, the Case Management Judge refused the defendant’s request to schedule a summary trial in a trademark infringement action commenced in June 2021. While a Case Management Judge has the discretion to refuse to schedule a summary trial, the Court has previously stated that such discretion should be exercised sparingly, and only in rare circumstances.
Article | 19 février 2025
Case summary: Motion to add counterclaim to an action for impeachment dismissed
(Disponible uniquement en anglais)
The Defendant Janssen Biotech, Inc. brings a motion to add a counterclaim to an action for impeachment of Canadian patent 3,113,837 (the “Patent”).