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Article | 19 février 2025
Case summary: Court refuses defendant’s request to schedule summary trial
(Disponible uniquement en anglais)
In this decision, the Case Management Judge refused the defendant’s request to schedule a summary trial in a trademark infringement action commenced in June 2021. While a Case Management Judge has the discretion to refuse to schedule a summary trial, the Court has previously stated that such discretion should be exercised sparingly, and only in rare circumstances.
Article | 19 février 2025
Causation analysis and cost deductions in an accounting of profits analysis in a trademark dispute
After years of litigation and appeals, the Applicant was ultimately successful in its application for trademark infringement and passing off against the Respondent. This decision dealt with the reference to quantify the profits earned by the Respondent for the products that were found to be passed off as those of the Applicant.
Article | 19 février 2025
Case summary: Appellants convince Court of problems in default judgment, but can’t satisfy test to set aside default judgment
(Disponible uniquement en anglais)
The Estate of the Late Moishe Smith and 2474234 Ontario Inc. appeal the decision of the Federal Court dismissing their motion to set aside a January 21, 2021 default judgment in favour of the Respondent, Dunn’s Famous International Holdings Inc.