CBA Influence - Public Policy and Advocacy

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Bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings should be available in both official languages

  • January 05, 2021

Litigants in criminal matters and parties to divorce both have a right to hearings in either of Canada’s official languages. It’s only fair that people should have the right to declare bankruptcy – or faillite – in the language of their choice as well, says the CBA’s French-Speaking Common Law Members Section.

Q&A with the Chair of the CBA Class Action Task Force

  • November 20, 2020

Three years after the CBA’s Class Action Task Force completed its protocol on multi-jurisdictional case management, the task force has been reconvened, with Sylvie Rodrigue of Torys at the helm. We asked her some questions about the renewed initiative:

In times of COVID, PPE is a necessity of life

  • September 30, 2020

The CBA’s Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade Section says personal protective equipment should be added to the list of things considered necessary to life – and exempt from GST and HST under the Excise Tax Act.

CBA seeks action on disclosure of non-conviction records

  • September 30, 2020

The Black Lives Matter protests of the last few months have raised awareness of myriad inequities faced by Black, Indigenous and People of Colour with respect to their treatment by the police and justice systems. For example, light has been shone again on the fact that BIPOC individuals are far more likely to be stopped and questioned by police.