
Spotlight on toolkits

  • March 29, 2017

CBA Sections are developing a number of toolkits to be released this spring that are meant for everybody but which may be of particular use to small and solo practitioners. The Child Rights Toolkit and the Collateral Consequences Toolkit are aimed at improving your practice, and the Successfully Parenting Apart Toolkit is something you can use to help clients.

Eliminating preliminary inquiries will not fix judicial delays

  • March 15, 2017

In a letter dated March 14, 2017 to Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, the CBA’s National Criminal Justice Section urges the government to complete a careful and comprehensive review of the many challenges facing Canada’s criminal justice system, taking advantage of current research and hearing from all justice system participants.

Calls for Nominations

  • March 09, 2017

A number of national CBA Sections and Forums are putting out the call for nominees for a number of upcoming awards. Do you know someone who fits one of these bills?

Not just a Bystander

  • March 09, 2017

Following up on the National Women Lawyers Forum’s 2016 #WriteYourWrong campaign, a number of CBA Sections and Forums collaborated to present a podcast called Not Just a Bystander, which was launched on International Women’s Day, March 8.

Upcoming Spring Conferences

  • March 09, 2017

The CCCA conference in Toronto in April and IP Day in Ottawa in May are just two of the many conferences taking place between now and the end of June.