Income Tax Act — Hybrid Mismatch Arrangements June 30, 2022 The Joint Canadian Bar Association/Canadian Professional Accountants of Canada Taxation Committee comments on Hybrid Mismatch Arrangements proposals in the draft legislation released on April 29, 2022.
Bar Leaders’ Priorities for G7 Leaders Summit June 16, 2022 The CBA outlines issues of importance for the legal profession at the 2022 G7 Summit.
Privacy in Personal Electronic Devices at the Canadian Border June 03, 2022 The CBA comments on amendments to Customs Act and Preclearance Act, 2016 dealing with privacy in personal electronic devices at the border.
Bill C-19 — Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1, Criminal Code amendments May 27, 2022 The CBA comments on Criminal Code amendments in the Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1 to introduce the offence of wilfully promoting anti-Semitism.
Indigenous Decarceration and Self Determination Resolution May 25, 2022 The CBA urges the government to work with Indigenous groups and give them resources to implement an action plan to significantly reduce incarceration rates of Indigenous peoples.
Draft Information Bulletin on Transparency May 20, 2022 The CBA is concerned with the increased discretion and reduced guidance and transparency in the Competition Bureau’s draft Information Bulletin on Transparency.
Bill C-19 — Part 5, Division 15, Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No 1: Competition Act amendments: (Senate of Canada) May 18, 2022 The CBA says proposed amendments to the Competition Act do not belong in the Budget Implementation Act. The proposals require further study to ensure they improve the Competition Act and not create unintended consequences.
Bill C-19 — Part 5, Division 15, Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No 1: Competition Act amendments May 18, 2022 The CBA says proposed amendments to the Competition Act do not belong in the Budget Implementation Act. The proposals require further study to ensure they improve the Competition Act and not create unintended consequences.
Pension Investment Risk Management May 13, 2022 The CBA comments on proposed pension investment risk management principles issued by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.
Bill S-4 – Criminal Code and Identification of Criminals Act amendments (COVID-19 response and other measures) May 10, 2022 The CBA comments on Criminal Code and Identification of Criminals Act amendments to increase flexibility in the criminal justice system in the wake of COVID-19.