Submissions and Resolutions


Racial Profiling and Law Enforcement

  • August 14, 2004

Whereas racial profiling is any action undertaken by a person in a position of authority or an organization, for reasons of safety, security or public protection, that relies on stereotypes about race, ethnicity, nationality, ancestry, place of origin, aboriginality, or religion, rather than on reasonable suspicion, to single out an individual or group for different treatment or greater scrutiny

Constitutional & Human Rights

Publication Bans, Sealing Orders and Orders for In-Camera Proceedings

  • February 15, 2003

Whereas the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled in Dagenais v. CBC, CBC v. New Brunswick (Attorney General) and R. v. Mentuck on the desirability of providing notice to the media of applications for discretionary publication bans and sealing orders and on the requirement for courts to take into account the fundamental right of freedom of expression as entrenched in section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms whenever a discretionary publication ban is sought in criminal proceedings

Constitutional & Human Rights