IP Case Summaries Court orders amendment of copyright certificates to reflect joint ownership as previously agreed by parties May 30, 2014 Kennedy v Ruminski, 2014 FC 526 (Phelan, J.)
IP Case Summaries FCA upholds order granting leave to amend Statement of Claim in consolidated patent infringement/S.8 PMNOC actions May 28, 2014 Apotex Inc. v. Astrazeneca Canada Inc. and Aktiebolaget Hässle, 2014 FCA 142 (Gauthier, J.A.)
IP Case Summaries Damages under Section 8 of the PMNOC Regulations May 27, 2014 Teva Canada Limited v Pfizer Canada Inc. et al., 2014 FCA 138 (Sharlow, J.A.; Gauthier J.A.; Mainville J.A.)
IP Case Summaries Sandoz is not a “patentee” and is not subject the Patented Medicines Prices Review Board’s oversight May 27, 2014 Sandoz Canada Inc. v. Attorney General of Canada 2014 FC 501 (O’Reilly, J.)
IP Case Summaries PMPRB Denied Jurisdiction Over Authorized Generic May 24, 2014 Ratiopharm Inc. (Now Teva Canada Limited) v. Attorney General of Canada 2014 FC 502 (O’Reilly J.)
IP Case Summaries Notice of Allegation Does not put Generic’s Allegations Into Play May 22, 2014 Pharmascience Inc v Canada (Health) et al, 2014 FCA 133 (Pelletier JA.)
IP Case Summaries Permanent Injunction Granted for Valid and Infringed Patent May 22, 2014 Abbvie Corporation v Janssen Inc 2014 FC 489 (Hughes, J.)
15 May 2014 Vancouver May 15, 2014 Minutes of the bench and bar committee meeting of 15 May 2014 in Vancouver
IP Case Summaries Federal Court decision granting default judgment May 14, 2014 The College of Pedorthics of Canada v. Canadian College of Pedorthics Ltd., College of Certified Pedorthists of Ontario Ltd., 2244915 Ontario Ltd. c.o.b. as National Academy of Osteopathy, and Shanin Pourgol, 2014 FC 472 (per Phelan J.)
IP Case Summaries An "Example" is not a Promise, But a Hope or Potential Use May 14, 2014 Alcon and Bayer v. Cobalt 2014 FC 462 (Phelan J.)