How CBA Immigration Lawyers Can Help Part 2: Cross Border Business March 18, 2014 A CBA lawyer was crucial to resolving the real immigration problem depicted in the video.
How CBA Immigration Lawyers Can Help Part 1 - Spousal Sponsorship March 18, 2014 This video discusses spousal sponsorship.
National Immigration Law Section 30th Anniversary March 17, 2014 30th Anniversary tribute to the founder's.
2013 CBA IMMIGRATION LAW CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS March 17, 2014 Why should you attend an Immigration Law Conference? Watch the video to find out!
Trade Clippings - March 10 to March 16, 2014 March 16, 2014 Published by the Canadian Bar Association's International Trade and Investment Committee, a committee of the National Section on International Law.
IP Case Summaries Appeal of motion to exclude territory of Quebec from scope of action dismissed March 14, 2014 Teva Canada Limited v. Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc., 2014 FCA 67 (Sharlow and Dawson, JJ.A., Mainville, J.A. dissenting)
IP Case Summaries Appeal of Motion re: PMNOC s.8 Damages for Stayed Indications Dismissed March 14, 2014 Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc. v. Teva Canada Limited, 2014 FCA 69 (Mainville, J.A.,concurred with by Sharlow J.A. and Dawson J.A.)
IP Case Summaries FCA Upholds Decision to Deny Amendments to Statement of Defence March 14, 2014 Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc. and Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH. v. Teva Canada Limited 2014 FCA 65 (Mainville, Sharlow and Dawson, JJ.A.)
IP Case Summaries Striking of Amendments to Section 8 Statement of Defence and Portions of Expert Affidavits Upheld March 14, 2014 Sanofi-Aventis v. Apotex Inc., 2014 FCA 66 (Mainville, J.A., concurred in by Sharlow J.A. and Pelletier J.A.)
IP Case Summaries Compensation under Section 8 of the PMNOC March 14, 2014 Sanofi-Aventis et al. v. Apotex Inc., 2014 FCA 68 (Sharlow, J.A.; Pelletier J.A.; Mainville J.A. – dissent)