
Growing a healthier office culture

  • April 01, 2014
  • Becky Rynor

A healthy office culture isn’t just about the thing growing in that dish at the back of the lunch room refrigerator, it’s about providing a safe environment for employees to blossom. Studies have shown that happy employees are good for the bottom line. So what can law firms do to promote the kinds of things that keep employees happy? Becky Rynor has a few ideas.

Building loyalty: Engagement is key, but retaining top talent (and clients) can be more of a dance

  • April 01, 2014
  • Jason Scott Alexander

You can (almost) always attract top talent with an offer of top money, but unless your firm has something else to add to its value proposition to retain its staff, it risks losing those people to better offers elsewhere – and let’s face it, there’s always the chance that someone will have a better offer. Jason Scott Alexander has some tips for attracting, engaging and retaining talented professionals.

2009 InsideLegal/ILTA Member Technology Purchasing Survey

  • March 24, 2014
  • Jobst Elster

The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) and, an insider’s guide to doing business in legal technology, recently released the findings of the 9th Annual ILTA Member Technology Purchasing Survey.

Brand Building 101

  • March 13, 2014
  • Beverly Spencer

Facebook and Twitter aren't just kid stuff, but it pays to know how to use them for the most professional impact.

Leadership and Staying Emotionally Centred

  • March 06, 2014
  • Delee Fromm

Being able to remain balanced and centred emotionally is at the heart of the calm, relaxed and authoritative exterior that signals leadership. There are many things that can destroy emotional balance, but none is faster than extreme emotion.

Planning Ahead for Partner Retirement

  • March 06, 2014
  • Janice Mucalov

Perhaps no issue leaves firms as directionless as lawyer retirement. Much has been written on practically all other firm management issues. But when it comes to lawyer retirement, there is very little guidance.

Marketing Matters: Branding Your Law Firm

  • March 06, 2014
  • Susan Van Dyke

Marketing is not a battle of products or services—it’s a battle of perceptions. And to win, you have to become the leader in a category. Leaders are assumed to be better because, well, everybody knows the better product or service wins in the marketplace, right?