
Women rainmakers: keys to business development success

  • December 10, 2014
  • Catherine Alman MacDonagh and Marcie L. Borgal Shunk

In 2004, the Legal Sales and Service Organization (LSSO) sponsored a study exploring the key characteristics that define business development success for today’s women lawyers. More than 400 lawyers responded to the call, providing candid feedback and insights into sales tactics, referral sources, firm support, personal motivation approaches and client management techniques that help drive business development.

Smile, you’re on camera!

  • November 05, 2014
  • Nicholas Ritoux

Lawyers have a reputation for being great speakers. Now is the time to prove it to the world! Broadcasting online videos on topics of expertise is a form of “content marketing” that is becoming increasingly popular.

Law Firm Marketing Functions: A Forensic Review

  • October 29, 2014
  • Susan Van Dyke

Think of marketing in a holistic sense. It has many moving parts, the plates of which are constantly spinning—perhaps at different rates, but it has one function driven by a singular mandate: profitability.

How to Avoid the Top 10 Law Firm Marketing Mistakes

  • October 22, 2014
  • Susan Van Dyke

If your law firm is not getting the tangible results from marketing that you expected, chances are you’re committing one (or several) of the many mistakes that are all too common in legal marketing today.

Être maître de son image

  • October 22, 2014
  • Yasmina El Jamaï

Votre réputation en tant qu’avocat est cruciale autant dans le monde réel que virtuel. Pourtant, plus d'un avocat ignore la façon dont son image est véhiculée sur Internet. L’ABC vous fournit tous les moyens de prendre en main votre identité de façon à pleinement profiter de votre notoriété sur le Web.

The Complex Conundrum of Cash and Lawyer Compensation

  • October 16, 2014
  • Edward Poll

There are two ways to address an economic model: you can look at your revenue and figure out what your cost structure should be so you can turn a profit, or you can look at your costs and determine how much revenue you need to cover them and make a profit.

Ten Ways Law Firms Lose a Lot of Money

  • October 15, 2014
  • Janice Mucalov

You already know that you and your firm lose money when you write down your time or when clients don’t pay their bills on time (or at all). But there are several other hidden costs that claw back on firm profits that you may be unaware of.

Le procès électronique

  • October 15, 2014
  • Rollande Parent

En suivant l’exemple de la Colombie-Britannique, le système de justice québécois est prêt à se lancer dans l’ère électronique.

Not If, But When: Prepare a Disaster Recovery Plan Today

  • October 14, 2014
  • Edward Poll

There are two types of law firms: those that have experienced a disaster, and those that will. “Disaster” can come in many forms, any of which is unexpected and can ultimately mean the demise of the firm.