
Publication Bans, Sealing Orders and Orders for In-Camera Proceedings

  • February 15, 2003

Whereas the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled in Dagenais v. CBC, CBC v. New Brunswick (Attorney General) and R. v. Mentuck on the desirability of providing notice to the media of applications for discretionary publication bans and sealing orders and on the requirement for courts to take into account the fundamental right of freedom of expression as entrenched in section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms whenever a discretionary publication ban is sought in criminal proceedings

Constitutional & Human Rights

National Labour and Employment Law Section

  • February 15, 2003

This Section of the National Sections Council of the Canadian Bar Association (the Association) shall be known as "The National Labour and Employment Law Section" (the Section).

Labour & Employment

Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - By-Laws

  • August 10, 2002

Attendu que L'Association du Barreau canadien a créé en 1988 une Conférence sous le nom de l'Association canadienne des conseiller(ères) juridiques d'entreprises (L'ACCJE)

Consumer Price Index

  • August 10, 2002

Whereas annual membership fees are indexed by the annual percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index calculated on March 30 of the preceding year

Family Law Services in the Justice System

  • August 10, 2002

Whereas the National Family Law Section has brought to the attention of the Minister of Justice the continuing need for family law services within the justice system in Canada

Family Law

Preliminary Inquiry

  • August 10, 2002

Whereas the National Criminal Justice Section has stressed that the preliminary inquiry is essential and should not be reduced in either access or scope, without first establishing through concrete evidence that preliminary inquiries unnecessarily consume time or resources unattributable to other factors and without first enacting legislation expanding the scope of disclosure

Criminal Justice

Residential School Claims

  • August 10, 2002

Whereas the Government of Canada, in its 1998 Statement of Reconciliation, acknowledged that the residential school system has it "left legacies of personal pain and distress that continue to reverberate in Aboriginal communities to this day"

Aboriginal Law